29 North Energy Consulting, LLC

A Houston-based energy consulting company

You invest millions of dollars in energy. We help you reduce the risk.


29 North Energy is focused on helping clients make more informed decisions about a range of investments in the oil and gas sector. We provide training, tools and consulting to enable clients to examine data to see the hidden trends and key risks that help to improve decision making and more accurately assess value.

If your company is looking to make an investment in the energy sector, 29 North Energy can extract information from large upstream oil and gas data sets utilizing both public and client-provided data. We have the ability to rapidly screen projects, basins or plays, or we can do a deep dive on the data to highlight upside value and downside risks. Our assessments use both commercially available software and proprietary, probabilistic software developed in-house and proven over twenty years in asset evaluation and risk analysis.

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Website photography provided by Nicola Hubbard